Lesson 7 – Is Gwendolyn there? Focus **can 情態助動詞can 主詞+ can + 原形動詞助動詞can可以表示「能力」、「允許」、「可能」,可運用在現在式與未來式。 表能力He can swim fast. She can write the word. 表允許A: Can I use your computer? B: Yes, you can. You can go camping tomorrow. 表可能 It can be true. He can catch a cold if he walks in the rain. **be able to 主詞 + be able to + 原形動詞“be able to”通常用來表達「能力」或「能夠做…」,可運用各種時態,運用時要注意主詞與be動詞的一致。 I am able to wash the car. You are able to do the dishes. She is able to ride the bicycle. It is able to run in the park. We are able to clean the room. They are able to move the box. Practice Fill in the blanks. 1) We __________ able to go there by bicycle. 2) Q: __________ he swim? A: Yes, he can. 3) I __________ able to ride a motorcycle. 4) __________ you able to speak English? 5) He __________ able to write the word.
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